Gwen Leslie

Helping you rediscover your sparkle

Gwen Leslie

Gwen Leslie

Helping you rediscover your sparkle



Did You Enjoy Today?

Did you enjoy today
Did you hear the birds singing for you
See the trees changing colour for you
Notice the barista smile at you?

Did you see you today?
The real you
The one who is strong and kind
Who deep down
Knows love and joy

Or did you get lost
In the rush
Of busyness
The belief in struggle
The persuasiveness of fear?


Really look

Only love is real.

Gwen Leslie

You’ve got something that no-one else has – it could be that next time you smile at someone you touch their heart at just the right moment.

Sometimes it can be hard to do that if you don’t feel great.  If you’re grieving or in pain.

You may not be able to let go of a memory of words spoken or unspoken.

Perhaps it’s a feeling of rejection, shock or hurt.  Or maybe it’s a lack of self confidence, fear of the future, wishing for a sense of belonging or just unwell?

Whatever your problem is, Gwen is inviting you on a journey to expand your understanding of yourself and your world, to let go of damaging beliefs and to experience a way of living that you may have never imagined possible for yourself.

Gwen has studied many complementary therapies over the past 20 years including Mind Detox Method, PsychK, Metakinetics, Chirokinetics and Developmental Integration Technique to name but a few.

Each of the many therapies she uses helps to gently uncover the source of your problems and she uses them together or separately depending on what you need.

Gwen will help you to tap into your own wisdom and understanding so that you can begin your healing journey.

Please call or email Gwen to book an appointment either in person, on the phone or Skype, or to have a chat about your situation.